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Caer Gwent Hybrid - 2023/2024

Player NameAppearances
Atkinson, Jowan1
Atkinson, Simon1
Bommireddy, Lalasa2
Davies, Thomas6
Diffey, Tom2
Forni, Rosie1
Forni, Simon1
Karnecki, Rebecca1
Osbourne, Fern6
Walker, Caleb6
Wright, Jennie5

Caer Gwent Open - 2023/2024

Player NameAppearances
Atkinson, Jowan1
Davies, Thomas2
Dibben, Richard2
Diffey, Tom1
Forni, Simon7
Oldcorn, Damon7
Shepherd, Dan2
Walker, Caleb5
Whatley, Richard2
Wright, Callum3


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