

Please select the appearances you wish to view:

To see specific appearances by team, take a look at the Clubs pages.

Notorious Hybrid - 2023/2024

Player NameAppearances
Atkins, Neil6
Baker, Laura2
Cresdee, Rafael1
Doshi, Neel4
Escott, Oliver1
Hawksworth, Adele1
Neil, Katy1
Pearce, Abbie1
Sandy, Lewis2
Shing, Nga Yu3
Tooke, Sue2
Trevatt, Charmaine1
Wardell, James2
Wong, Angelina5

Notorious Ladies - 2023/2024

Player NameAppearances
Hawksworth, Adele1
Neil, Katy1
Pearce, Abbie1
Pearce, Sharon4
Sheen, Sue4
Shing, Nga Yu5
Tooke, Sue2
Wong, Angelina2

Notorious Open A - 2023/2024

Player NameAppearances
Atkins, Neil10
Cresdee, Rafael4
Doshi, Neel8
Escott, Oliver3
Fonseca, Oliver1
Horner, Tristan1
Irvine, David2
Macleod, Brian2
Wardell, James9

Notorious Open B - 2023/2024

Player NameAppearances
Cresdee, Rafael2
Horner, Tristan8
Linter, James3
Macleod, Brian6
Nelson, Rizky1
Robertson, Jay1
Shand, Scott10
Trevatt, Charmaine1
Trevatt, Scott8

Notorious Open C - 2023/2024

Player NameAppearances
Bassett, Dave3
Foster, David3
Lbbs-George, Kieron5
Proud, Pete2
Robertson, Jay8
Taylor, Scott7
Vince, Adam4

Notorious Vets A - 2023/2024

Player NameAppearances
Arnold, Peter2
Bassett, Dave2
Francis, Cyril1
Khan, Lukman5
Proud, Pete4
Riley, Jon4
Russell, Jamie4
Watson, Paul2

Notorious Vets B - 2023/2024

Player NameAppearances
Brooks, Mark1
Francis, Cyril6
Hills, Mark3
Pottle, Wayne2
Rogers, Shaun3
Thomas, Danny3
Yeung, Peter6


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