

Please select the appearances you wish to view:

For appearances for all clubs and teams, take a look at the League Appearances pages.

Portsmouth Hybrid - 2024/2025

Player NameAppearances
Back, Martha2
Dale, Paula3
Ellis, Matthew3
Marriott, Maisie4
Sargeant, Sean1
Searle, Tom4
Taylor, Callum2
Weatherston, Kate1

Portsmouth Ladies - 2024/2025

Player NameAppearances
Back, Martha2
Bray, Paula2
Dale, Paula1
Davies, Sara1
Fiford, Steph1
Gordine, Vicky3
Marriott, Maisie3
Thompson, Tegan1
Weatherston, Kate2

Portsmouth Open - 2024/2025

Player NameAppearances
Angold, Richard4
Baiju, Noel1
Brombley, Adam2
Chui, Aidan1
Coe, Matthew3
Ellis, Matthew1
Kurian, Baiju4
Laviolle, Keryan2
Lennox, Daniel1
Main, Matthew4
Medway, Lee1
Quadros, Lucius1
Sargeant, Sean2
Singh, Gursaant2
Taylor, Callum7
Vane, Marcus4


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